In 2018 after many years of being fortunate enough to do dramatic outreach with several organizations all over world, I decided to apply for a Masters Degree at CUNY (City University of New York) School of Professional Studies.
After two years of a roller coaster ride, including getting pregnant and giving birth, whilst then getting pregnant again and going through a global pandemic- I was honored to graduate in 2020 with a Masters Degree in Applied Theater. I was able to meet and work with some very inspiring, dedicated practitioners who continue to show me that in order to change the systems we live in, we have to at first recognize them, and then take inspired actions to change them. Applied theater uses theater-based techniques to discover and learn, explore issues of concern to communities, identify problems and actively rehearse solutions to build community and provoke social change and justice. It creates opportunities to discover new approaches and perspectives to issues through creativity- basically, it's really FUN! I have been fortunate enough to facilitate applied theatre with renowned organizations such as New York City Children's Theater facilitating anti-bullying workshops, Art's Ignite in a Women's Transitional Housing Facility teaching drama, Magicians Without Borders facilitating math learning through Magic and VOCAL NYC facilitating clowning in a harm reduction space. I have just recently been employed by Collective Impact Arts with The University of Western Sydney to facilitate Applied Theater with children and young adults in a program called TRANSITIONS. These students are from overseas and will be entering high school next year, and what better way to celebrate who they are then through drama and fun? I am very grateful to have this experience. |